Background Clearances
PA Child Abuse Clearances

Information You Will Need
Before you start, you should have the following information readily available to help you complete your application:
Addresses where you have previously lived
Names of all individuals with whom you have lived to include parents, guardians, siblings, spouses, etc.
Any previous names you have used or have been known by
Credit/Debit Card information for a $10 application fee (or a payment code from the organization that is
        asking you to obtain a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance)

Record your e-Clearance ID: 000000123


PSP Criminal Background check

How to submit a request for Criminal History

To perform a record check request, at a minimum you must furnish the subject's Name and Date of Birth. The subject's Social Security Number, Sex, Race, Maiden Name, and/or Aliases may also be entered as additional identifying information. Once a criminal history check has been requested, one of the following possible responses will be immediately received: Pending , No Record, or Request Under Review.

A Pending response indicates that a response from the Criminal History system did not come back quick enough. If you received a Pending response, please check the status of this request at a later time.

A response of No Record indicates that, based on the data entered by the user, that there is no criminal history information contained in the files of the Pennsylvania State Police Central Repository.

A response of Request Under Review does not indicate a criminal record.

1.PATCH will display a summary listing of the Record Check Results. Details on the record check result can be viewed by clicking on the corresponding Subject Name. Click on the Invoice Number in the Record Check Details page to access a printable invoice. Click on Certification Form in the Record Check Details page to access a printable certificate validating that a record check was conducted for the individual. Please note down the Control Number and the Request Date; this information will be required in order to inquire on the status of a record check. THE CERTIFICATION FORM SHOULD BE PRINTED OR SAVED; ONCE VIEWED YOU WILL HAVE NO FURTHER ACCESS TO THE DOCUMENT.
PATCH will show a No Record status if there are no records found for the request. Otherwise it will return a Request Under Review response. A Request Under Review response does not indicate a criminal record.

Please note down the Control Number and the Request Date; this information will be required in order to inquire on the status of a record check. THE CERTIFICATION FORM SHOULD BE PRINTED OR SAVED; ONCE VIEWED YOU WILL HAVE NO FURTHER ACCESS TO THE DOCUMENT.